
Research & Innovation Disclosure Assessment Unit

The Research and Innovation Disclosure Unit is responsible for managing and assessing the research and innovation disclosures at the university. This includes interacting with the Institute for Research Development (IRD) to evaluate disclosures under the TRIUP Act, and supporting IRD in the process of reporting and communicating with funding agencies. The unit is also responsible for managing and assessing other disclosures under the university’s IP policies, including managing the disclosure process as such. The unit has to maintain a good network with the researchers, and a continuous dialogue with the university’s research institutes, centers, and laboratories, and especially the centers of excellence, to create awareness of the importance of disclosure and to ensure that the disclosure process is working as intended. The unit is further responsible for creating awareness and delivering training regarding the disclosure process.


  • หน่วย ประเมินการเปิดเผยงานวิจัยและนวัตกรรม
  • ฝ่าย บริหารนวัตกรรมและทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา
  • โทร. 0–4422-4825
  • E-mail:


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